Forum Thread: How do You Learn? (Community Calling!

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So I've been thinking to myself "How can I improve my learning skills for hacking, while also contributing to the community?", and I came up with the idea of everybody commenting on how they learn and remember the various hacks and such on not only Null Byte, but also all over the web. For example, I have bookmarked a couple of tuts that I run through daily trying to remember how to preform them on my own, then I test myself on it and if I get stuck, I come back to the page. Another way that I learn is I write note cards for different commands and different important places on the linux system.

In one note card for example, I have it labeled "Places1" and underneath that, I have written:

Apache's default webpage ~ /var/www/index.html
Kernel options ~ /etc/systcl.conf
Installed kernel module configs ~ /etc/modprobe.d
File system table ~ /etc/fstab
Config for DNS static hosts ~ /etc/hosts
DNS servers config ~ /etc/resolv.conf
Name resolution order ~ /etc/nsswitch.conf
Crontab (event scheduler) ~ /etc/crontab
Logs ~ /var/log

And that's just under "Places1". (one of these days, I'll write up a whole document with my note cards for everyone to use)

But any who, enough about me. I want to hear about how you learn and remember the various hacks around the web!

6 Responses

The method for learning I've been using lately and I found really useful is taking really careful notes on notepad, making the explanations as short as they make sense for me, and then cropping them into parts and using them in Anki to make flashcards, and review them everyday.

You write something, like "Aircrack Sequence" as the title, and then in the "reverse" you writte something like "airmon-ng, airodump-ng, aireplay-ng, aiircrack-ng"

When you click to show the result, you rate it from "Easy" to "See again", and those which you mark as easy appear less ofter later, and the see again repeat in the same session.

I prefer old fashioned pen to paper. I organise topics into separate sections with plastic wallets each separated with, coloured, card. I then write up an index page, with each different coloured card being the start of a different section of notes. All of this is placed within folders under broad categories. E.g a Linux folder or a Wi-fi folder etc.

I've been organising work this way since I was a kiddo and it works for me.

Never force learning, and never get used to it.
Don't get me wrong! Archiving tutorials and guides is efficient.

You only comprehend completely the topics you are more attracted by, after hours of experimenting and googling. Trying to explain them to the community is in my opinion the best way to get used to the topic.

^ This

Like what Ciuffy said, I find a topic that seems interesting, research it, try it, experiment with it, expand on it, practice it, and master it. You should be having fun with you're studies, because if you're not, you won't learn as well. It's like trying to hypnotize you; it won't work unless you want it to.

I think i will write a webpage in html.
That's all about websites(of course it has NULL BYTE),notes,some useful information,blogs...'s link.
Thank you for sharing.
Hope you have a nice day.

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