Forum Thread: How to Use Dynamic DNS (No-Ip) For Metasploit Attack ?

Hello Guys,
I want know how to use DDNS for metasploit attack with kali ,
I search googel for this, it has lot of solutions, but i was unable to find clear solution ,
So, if any one can give me a explanation, tutorial or link to a tutorial it is very appreciate ,

12 Responses

When you are making the file containing payload exploit or wharever...
In lhost you type your ddns url...
Thats it

Yes.. you need to open the port you type in lport

If you can already forward ports in your router succesfully, it will work. If your operator lets you out thru a gateway, it won't work. No-ip will work in any case, it will just point to the ip assigned by your operator.

You should check out other ddns providers like No-IP is pretty decent, but unless you pay you have to keep checking in every 30 days to keep it active which is a total ball ache. Now-IP say on their site that they never expire unless you delete them yourself which is pretty awesome.

can i port forward using dmz host... by the way i'm using huawei hg532e

How will you check if a port is open for a IP address?

i tried using nmap to scan for port but it says site seems down.

Its no-ip works in mikrotik networks when i want to use setoolkit for external hack

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