Forum Thread: What Are Best Hacking Tutorials (E-Books or Videos)?

Can anyone list all tutorials to be a hacker from beginner to pro. Free tutorials are highly recommended. Thank you.

7 Responses

Know your path

Know what you need to learn

Learn what you need to learn

These ones are good...really good.
and instead of being lazy you can just write "to be a hacker" in the search bar ;)
and one another thing, there are no tutorials that teach everything
so "BEST TUTORIALS" is kind of .....

Start by doing your own research, even in nullbyte itself you find a great number of tutorials and infosec research. You going to have a hard time outside NullByte if you keep asking things like "Please send me a list of infosec resources because i really do not want to look for them myself."

Old classical books with actual pages. You know those? Yeah that's where you should really start, the library. Buy a few programming books along with a book on hacking in general, armed with those make lots of coffee and read and read and read. Testing everything out along the way of course, mess around with what you are learning and learn..... There's seriously no right way to do this except old classical way. Hope that helps. :)

P.S. Hackers get very annoyed with lazy people. :)

That was great idea bro. Thanks :)

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